Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Basic Fundamentals of Cosmetology - Why Cosmetology Needs Chemistry

Basic Fundamentals of Cosmetology - Why Cosmetology Needs ChemistryOne of the most basic concepts in the world of Cosmetology is Chemistry. As a Cosmetologist, I am always asked the question of how much Chemistry I study. At first, I did not believe that Chemistry was an essential part of being a Cosmetologist but, lately, my students tell me that it is. So, is it?I don't think I should spend so much time talking about this basic fundamental part of the profession. I am sure you have heard of basic fundamentals such as the kitchen sink and back to the basics of Learning Theory (i.e. Basic Sequence). But what about Chemistry?My point is that basic fundamentals can get by without studying Chemistry because we do a lot of practical applications. In fact, if we were to do just as much research and study on Chemistry as we do on Home Improvement or carpentry, we would never finish our studies. A second career choice would be to go and be a mechanical engineer. But, chemistry is one of the most fundamental of all; so, does it need to be studied at all?Personally, I would like to find out what my own personal tastes are and then stick with that. While I appreciate the study of any subject matter, I do not necessarily need to study it if I don't want to. One thing I am grateful for is that I know that learning about Chemistry will lead to Chemistry application. I learned that through all my life long experiences in being a home beautician.Even though I learned so much from my years as a Cosmetology Student and Practitioner, I really never thought that I needed to learn it. I never even knew that it was considered 'Basic Fundamentals' when I graduated from Cosmetology school. Then, I worked for many years in the Industry and was constantly amazed by how different the world we are in has become.The ways in which people dress now are very different from the ways in which people used to dress. Where was it that people in the past would wear clothes made of materials that w ould give them the appearance of being healthy, or attractive? Now, in today's world, we have the ability to make clothes that have not only colors but also materials that are healthy for us.That is why I feel that we should be studying Chemistry as part of Cosmetology training and curriculum. Since the world has changed so much, it is important that Cosmetology teachers be updated on the new ways that our clients think and feel. And, I don't mean 'new' in the sense of fashionable or trendy. I am referring to the way that our client's dress and feel.So, if you are a Cosmetologist and need to know how to make hair more beautiful, or how to make your clients' eyes appear more attractive, then you need to know how to think, feel, and act in order to be a good problem solver. For example, we can utilize both the new way of how people dress and the fact that we can produce Fashionable and Healthy clothes. Cosmetology teachers have a responsibility to share what they have learned from yea rs of learning and practice. I for one, want to know how to use and apply my 'Basics of Chemistry' knowledge!

Friday, March 20, 2020

Act Tutoring Cleveland Ohio - Better Education is Possible

Act Tutoring Cleveland Ohio - Better Education is PossibleIf you want to go back to school, act tutoring Cleveland Ohio may be the perfect choice for you. You may choose to study marketing, communications, public relations, or business administration online. There are many options available to you and all of them will help you get the education that you need in order to get a job in the field you chose.If you are unsure where to start, you can do a search on the internet to find a good company to work with. The people at this company are dedicated to giving students all the attention they need. Act tutoring Cleveland Ohio has a number of different packages that they can offer you so that you can choose the best one for you.These companies have provided you with a number of benefits including health coverage and tuition reimbursement. The great thing about getting a college education online is that you can have a part time job to help pay for your classes. You will still have the opti on to take some time off if you want to or you can take a full time job that gives you all the money you need.The website creates a database that allows you to create an account. You can also set up your classes so that they are easy to navigate and find. With the internet today you can get just about any information you need to learn with the click of a button.Once you have enrolled, you can sign up for a credit card that will allow you to make purchases online. All you have to do is follow the simple instructions that come with the card. Many of these cards have a limit on how much you can spend each month and most of them have an introductory period for you to test drive the card before you have to pay anything.You may want to create an e-mail address to use as well. This way you can send out invitations to your tutoring classes and make announcements about upcoming events. The newsletter can give you an opportunity to build your business relationship with the people who may want to visit your website.No matter what you choose to do, act tutoring Cleveland Ohio will help you get your degree at a time when you have the means to do it. You can attend the local college or get your degree online from an accredited university. You will also be able to find a job once you graduate so that you can better pay your bills.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Change Your Life to Make Love Last!

How to Change Your Life to Make Love Last!When I was single and thinking about starting a family, I read a book called, 'No Chemistry in Marriage'. I was pleased with it as the author had an interesting point of view and I really liked that he talked about how marriage and relationship cannot be the same.He explained that as we age we change. As we get older, we are more emotional, we have less emotional intelligence, our lives become a little less adventurous and we become more dependent on our partners.The dynamics of a relationship has changed. He said that couples with more love than respect will most likely end up hurting each other. They are now just contented with each other but they never love each other enough to go out and make a commitment.In my opinion this is the only time that a couple would want to go out to meet new people and a good example of this is how couples get married. They could always have fun, get some new experiences and live with each other but they decid e to spend their life together because of that idea of love.They never understood that co-dependent people become more dependent in love. Then they commit to marriage because it will keep them connected emotionally and they want to continue to feel the same.They just become desperate for happiness in their relationship and forget about what made them come together. So in the end, they make the relationship even more pathetic.When you read 'No Chemistry in Marriage' you will get a better perspective on relationships. You should also start talking with your partner about what is making them feel safe and secure and they will realize that you are the one who is there for them.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How Online Tutoring Is Better Than Live Classroom

How Online Tutoring Is Better Than Live Classroom 0SHARESShare With the increasing studies pressure and limited time, it often happens that the student messes up with everyday class room studies. With back to back lectures, long periods, limited breaks and the never ending class work notes, it becomes almost impossible for the student to concentrate during the class rooms and as such the time goes waste. Being a student have you too witnessed the same problem? Do you also feel that even by giving quantitative hours no benefit is availed? Or the quality is seen fading? If the answer to the questions is yes, then here comes your solution. Try studying the class notes with the online math after your school. With large number of students in a classroom, even the teacher finds difficulties in solving doubts of each and every student and even the student hesitates in raising question during the class. The result is heavy syllabus with never ending doubts.  At such times, its best to take help from the online math tutorials. Some of the advantages of online tutoring are: Tutoring is provided by highly qualified tutors on a one- on- one base with no geographically limitations. Students are increasingly using online tutoring in their home, schools, college or campus. Online tutoring is beneficial for those students who home schooled and does not have access to tutors to solve their questions. Online tutoring has better creative and interesting visualizations to teach you. They know what the student wants. Here, you’re the only student and the tutor is only present for you! Ask the same question one hundred times and the best part is the tutor will never get bugged! Moreover, get better examples, problems, solutions and resolve the toughest doubts in a fraction of second. So what to think? Hit the class room notes with the online masters! [starbox id=admin]

Dont assume technology works with critical issues - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Don’t assume technology works with critical issues - Introvert Whisperer Don’t assume technology works with critical issues I had a situation occur today that I’m reflecting on for this email. Apparently, this person had sent me numerous emails (I was told 15) and I had failed to reply.   Finally, I was texted and emailed (which I received unlike previous emails sent) a hostile note, which completely stunned me because I had never received anything â€" email or text â€" until today.   So here I am, receiving a nasty email/text for what seemed like out of the blue as I had never seen or heard anything prior from this person.   I’m guessing the hostility came from what looked like to this person, being completely ignored. I think there is a good learning point to this.   If you have a critical business to conduct: Call directly to the person you need to communicate with. These days with common courtesy not being very common, it’s hard to tell if you’re being ignored or if technology has failed.   I know that ignoring emails, texts and voicemails are now the new “norm” but I urge you to rise above doing that.   It’s not courteous and it’s rude.   Responding doesn’t take that long. Also, I’ve had enough emails not get through to people that I know there is a failure rate that’s not insignificant.   If people aren’t responding to you in either mode, don’t assume you’re being ignored â€" call and speak to the person.   Again, I realize that those things get ignored but once you do connect you can easily communicate whatever is your agenda. Hostility won’t make you feel better and like my story â€" is completely uncalled for.   This behavior didn’t win points with me.   If a call had been made 15 emails ago, it would have saved frustrations and insult for the other person and maybe a keeping me as a business associate. Moral of the story:   If it’s important â€" don’t email or text make a call. Go to top Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

5 Reasons Career Goals for the New Year Fail and What To Do Instead - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Reasons Career Goals for the New Year Fail and What To Do Instead - Introvert Whisperer 5 Reasons Career Goals for the New Year Fail and What To Do Instead One thing about this time of year is that our thoughts (and articles) turn to “New Years Resolutions”.  With that, comes the Grinch that disparages the goal setting for a whole list of fairly lame reasons.  Topping the list is: “In 2 months everyone loses the will to continue or I don’t need them, I’m a self-driven person.”   I hope that isn’t you but if you border on a goal-setting bad attitude, I think there might be some things for you to consider. Most people approach goal-setting (which is really what a New Years Resolution really is) so poorly that they are destined to fail.   Let’s look at ways you can succeed with goals:   Don’t just take a 5 Reasons Career Goals for the New Year Fail and What To Do Instead Oal because you think you “should”.  If you aren’t 110% excited or driven to do something â€" you won’t.  Consider giving yourself permission to skip your whole list of “should”.  Now, doesn’t that feel better?  Seriously, if you aren’t emotionally attached to an outcome, you will not stay the course.  Why derail before you start? Get help to stay accountable.  I won’t go into the long list of studies but people with very big brains know that only about 20% of us will actually keep the focus to accomplish our goals on our own.  That means you have to have someone keep you accountable.  There are whole careers based on that knowledge and that’s why you see personal trainers and coaches on every endeavor you can think of.  We need help and it shows strength, not weakness, to seek the support you need to meet your lofty dreams. Make your goals specific. Another flaw often seen with goals is they aren’t specific enough to actually be hit.  It’s like saying you want to be healthy so you’re going to start working out.  What does that mean?  How will you know when you’ve hit your goal? It’s easy to lose focus when what you’re focusing on is fuzzy to begin with.  A way to know if your goal is specific enough is to ask yourself the following questions: What will be different? How will I know? Can I measure the result? Or observe the result? When do I need to see a result? What’s your #1 BIG thing?  Said another way, if you take on too many goals you will bog yourself down with overwhelm.  It’s better for you to identify 1 or 2 career goals for next year that will get your time and attention.  The opposite of the goal Grinch is the over achiever that thinks they need to take on the world with pages of goals and barely hit a thing. Your perspective is everything. Your career is like running a marathon.  It’s a long game with goals to accomplish at all times.  If you have no goals, nothing to be striving for, you will soon pay the price in countless ways.  You will have very little growth, small pay increases, few promotions and no recognition.  That type of condition will eat away your self-worth and that isn’t how you want to live.  If not a goal, then what?   Your career goals can be the single biggest factor to your success â€" as long as you make them the tool they can be.  Now, go out there and do great things in the coming New Year!   Bonus Tip: Adapting is key to your career survival, growth and advancement.  Get Free Instant Access to Video series The 5 Most Common Ways Introverts Commit Career Self-Sabotage and How to Avoid Them.  Click here now: www.introvertwhisperer.com/careergoals  Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran, Introvert Whisperer, dedicated to unleashing your career potential. www.introvertwhisperer.com Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential.

Learn to Sing in Key

Learn to Sing in Key Singing in Key is Key to a Great Voice Chapters What Does Singing in Key Mean? Learn to Sing in Key by Breathing Correctly Practise in Order to Sing in Key Can You Learn to Sing in Key if Your Singing is Awful? Learn to Sing with a Private Singing Tutor Learn to Sing in Key with an App The Best Videos Online for Learning to SingWhile very few people were singers a thousand years ago, the music industry is massive now!  The UK music industry is in the billions. With so much money going around, anyone with the right skills can become a professional singer.Why not you?  Who hasn’t dreamed of singing perfectly, winning a televised singing competition, and becoming a star?First things first! You have to learn how to sing well!online singing lessons and work towards expanding your vocal range.You could also join a singing group in order to keep singing. This will also help you find your voice.You can also take private lessons with a singing teacher or vocal coach in order to improve your vocal technique, your pitch, and gain some self-confidence. Make sure you schedule your private singing tutorials regularly. There’s nothing better when it comes to improving your vocal technique.You should always look at several different voice coaches so that you can choose the right fit.Find a voice coach London.Work on Your Technique and VocalisingWarming up your voice is a step that no modern singer can skip.Vocal warm ups are obligatory whenever you sing and even more so if you’re about to put on a performance. To make sure you’re fully prepared to sing, you should make sure you take the following steps:Relax your jaw by doing some low-to-mid-range exercises before working progressively towards your head voice.Start with vocal exercises in a mid-range, then a low scale, then a high range. You can then start going from the low range to the high range as you vocalise.Have a short break and then start doing your scales again.Work on the nuances. Start by singing at a comfortable volume before increasing the vol ume in increments. You can then do this again but starting at a higher level.Practise pronouncing all the vowels and consonants.Try vocal agility exercises. These will do wonders for your vocal flexibility.There are plenty of examples of these on YouTube for you to check out.Some important advice for maintaining your voice.Make sure you drink water and tea with honey. Tea will stop your throat from drying out and honey is a natural antiseptic.Avoid smoking as it can irritate your throat, larynx, and vocal cords.Clear your airways, especially your nose.Always warm up before you start a singing session, especially if you’re considering singing high notes. Just like when you do sports, you have to warm up first!Do some sport to improve your breathing.Generally, private tutorials will cost more than group classes. However, the price of them can vary massively depending on a number of factors. Furthermore, they may cost you less in the long run as you’ll need less of them.  There’s also nothing stopping you from taking group classes once you’ve learnt to sing in key.A private voice coach  is great for those who are nervous about singing. We often sing out of key without even realising. You don’t have to worry about this in private tutorials because your voice coach will be there to help you.  Thus, a student will build their confidence in their own abilities! Learn to Sing in Key with an AppIf you’re not quite ready to learn to sing with private tutorials, you can start by learning to sing with the help of free apps! Even if you’re no longer a beginner, there are plenty of apps that can help you improve your singing.The advantage of apps is that you can start using them as soon as you’ve downloaded them to your mobile or tablet. Then you can practise wherever you like!Sing TrueThis app, which is only available on iOS, is perfect for beginners!It analyses the user’s voice and gives you exercises to make sure you improve your pitch. It can help you train both your ear and your brain in order to sing better.  Furthermore, the app tracks your progress and gives you advice for working on your vocal techniques.There are plenty of apps that can help you sing in key. (Source: pixabay.com)Sing SharpAvailable on both iOS and Android, Sing Sharp is the most complete solution for those learning in key.You can do almost everything with this app:Warm upVocal technique classesVocal training classesSinging exercisesRecord your favourite songsTrack your progressWith all this in one app, what else could you ask for?SwiftscalesThis is the most professional app on our list. This app, which is available on iOS and Android, is like having tutorials with a vocal coach!Designed by signers, this app is for both beginners and experts. The app follows the beginner and will suggest personalised lessons depending on the singer’s tessitura.  With breathing and technical exercises, this is the most credible app for working with private tutors.Sing! Kara okeOnce you’ve improved your vocal technique and pitch, you can start singing your favourite songs!Available on both iOS and Android, this app offers over 800,000 different tracks. You’ll also find a vocal optimiser which removes the little errors you make and you can also record your progress. The Best Videos Online for Learning to SingTo sing in key, you need to hear in key and know how to listen well.  You’ll therefore need to train your ear and tune your voice with an instrument like a piano, for example. However, producing any given note (like the A after middle C) requires a lot of practise. Believe in yourself and practise harmonising with all the notes in your range.Singing in key isn't a given, you have to work hard in order to find your voice. (Source: pixabay.com)The Songbird TreeOn Kerry Ho’s channel, you can find out plenty of things about how to improve your singing. Her advice for singers includes things like: how to improve your self-confidence, how to sing w ith vibrato, how to warm up your voice, how to sing with a strong chest voice, how to look after your voice.  This works a bit like getting your own private tutor but it won’t cost you a penny.Eric ArceneauxEric Arceneaux is a YouTuber who gives advice to singers.  His YouTube videos cover a variety of different aspects of singing from how to protect your vocal cords, vocal workouts, warm up exercises, ways to sing in key, how to stand correctly, etc.  Eric has plenty of great advice for those who’ve just started learning to sing!Felicia RicciFelicia Ricci has plenty of videos on how to improve your singing. She has tutorials on plenty of different aspects of singing: how to sing with emotion, how to sing without tension, how to sing into a mic, how to fix your singing using breath, how to sing high notes, as well as videos on how to memorise songs and lyrics and how to relax your tongue while singing. There are plenty of videos on her channel that you’ll find useful.With thes e resources, if you don’t make any progress with you’re singing, we’ll be really shocked!In short:Singing out of key isn’t the end of the world! Almost everyone can learn to sing in key with a bit of training.You just have to understand the physics behind it. Singing in key just means that you’re singing in the right frequency with a sense of rhythm. However, there are other elements that you need to take into consideration like vocal timbre and your breathing.There are several options for anyone wanting to learn to sing in key. However, the prices of these options can vary wildly from the very cheap to the very expensive. If you're on a budget, why not find out about teaching yourself to sing or finding free singing lessons?There are apps available to help improve your singing. Swiftscales is arguably the best solution on the market. It’s a great app for both beginners and experts.

Phylum Chordata Characteristics Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace

Phylum Chordata Characteristics Online Biology Tutors Tutorpace Phylum Chordata is the most advanced animal phylum. Chordata are animals which possess a notochord at any stage of their life .They are most adaptable, most successful and most widely distributed animals showing diversity of form, habits and habitats. General characteristics: 1. All chordates are bilaterally symmetrical 2. They are true metamerically segmented animals. 3. They are triploblastic animals having organ system grade of body organizations. 4. Post anal tails are usually present in chordates 5. They are true coelomate animals 6. Notochord is present at some stages or replaced by back bone or ring like vertebrae forming the vertebral column. 7. Gill clefts are present at some stages of life. 8. Alimentary canal is placed always ventral to the nerve cord. 9. Anus is well differentiated and opens before the last segment. 10. Heart is placed ventrally, blood flows towards the posterior direction in dorsal blood vessel. 11. Hemoglobin, a respirator pigment is present in red blood corpuscles 12. Hepatic portal system is present in chordates 13. Respiration is either by gills or by lungs. 14. Nervous system is hollow; brain is located dorsal to the pharynx in the head. 15. Nerve cord is single, dorsal, and hollow without ganglia. 16. Dorsal and ventral nerve roots are separate. 17. Mostly sexual reproduction occurs in chordates 18. They are cold blooded as well as warm blooded animals. Phylum Chordata is divided into three subphyla, subphylum Urochordata or Tunicata, subphylum Cephalochordata or Acrania and subphylum vertebrata. The first two subphyla are considered primitive and often referred to as protochordates or non-vertebrate chordates. All of them are marine and possess notochord but never form vertebral column.

The Essential Art Equipment for Drawing Painting

The Essential Art Equipment for Drawing Painting Pencils, Paint Brushes and Canvas: The Essential Illustrator Tools ChaptersThe Best Graphic Tablets for Illustrators and CartoonistsOnline Interactive White BoardsFor Those Who Prefer the PencilFirst You Sketch, and then You PaintPaint Brushes Need CanvasThe Cost of Framing a Portrait...Art lovers don't stop at visiting museums to enjoy their favourite canvases; they also take brush to hand to impose their imagination onto canvas or sketchpad... or computer.Expressing oneself artistically has many benefits, one of them being a calming effect: drawing and painting can reduce stress.While sketching, the artist detaches from the strain of today's ultra-connected world.Artistic endeavours work the right side of the brain, improve hand-eye coordination, and can even lower blood pressure.To effectively render art, one must observe nature and be able to faithfully reproduce it, without letting your left brain influence artistic vision.Right brain? Left brain?To fully grasp how the brain's hemispheres influence perception and artistic ability, you should ch eck out Betty Edwards' book: Drawing on the Right Side.As fascinating as the topic of the human brain is, our interest lies elsewhere, at least for this article.While art can be made of just about everything, drawing anything, be it the human form or a rose, requires certain implements.From graphic tablets to charcoal and colored pencils, we now discuss the logistics of art creation.Wacom is generally considered the leader in graphic arts Source: Pixabay Credit: NinjaBeavermodels can even connect wirelessly.It is a pressure-sensitive pad that comes equipped with a stylus; and that is where the resemblance to a graphite pencil and drawing paper end.It can be disconcerting, at first, to trace the tip of the stylus along, with nothing appearing under your hand, as it would if you were sketching on paper.Producing art on a graphic tablet calls for an evolution of your hand-eye coordination. Using this equipment, you would see lines and contour appear on a computer screen, unless you inv est in an LCD tablet, which has a display built-in.Also, whereas traditional artists use an eraser â€" a completely separate tool from the pencil, for shading and blending, graphic tablets have a totally different utility for that purpose.And, while a purist might have a pencil case full of implements of different thicknesses and composition for varying the darkness and broadness of pencil strokes, a graphic artist needs only to press harder on the sensitive pad to make a thicker, darker line.Selecting a graphic tablet comes down to your needs: are you taking a Drawing for Beginners class, and your art teacher requires you to furnish a tablet?Are you a professional portrait artist, ready to modernise your studio?Do you just like cartooning, or drawing cool things?If you are ready to make your mark (pun intended) on the graphic arts world, here is what you should look for in a tablet:the size of the tablet (the area available to draw in)the resolution of the tabletthe stylus and pad sensitivitysoftware compatibility (with your computer's operating system)You can find such tablets at a range of prices, depending on the features and resolution you are looking for.Entry-level ones start at around £50; high-grade tablets can run into the hundreds of pounds.In art circles, the Wacom tablet is generally recognised as the leader in the technology of digital drawing.Online Interactive White BoardsIf you are not quite sure of where you artistic aspirations might lead, you may want to hold off on investing in a digital painting device.Interactive white boards online is an alternative to purchasing a graphic tablet.In an IWB, as such applications are known, you have a collaborative visual communication tool that allows you to create art drawing online.You can share your work and invite your friends' or colleagues' input on the art project.IWBs have been taken out of the boardroom, where they were originally used to brainstorm, mind map, and cultivate ideas.Online, they h ave seduced a wider, more diverse audience, including schools, and individuals who are learning how to draw.These web-based white boards, while great to hone your drawing skills, also suit as:element integrators: you can add photos, music, voice and video to your artistic expressionchat  gateways to other artists; great for developing your drawing techniquesexport portals for your sketches: you can upload them into your blog or other social media outletan open document sharing marketplaceNaturally, each IWB has its own properties. Some permit step by step drawing among a group of artists while others forbid collaboration.Most sites allow basic drawing lessons in  figure drawing with only a login; others demand a fee to access their sites' premium features.If you want to try your hand at perspective drawing or three dimensional art online, here are a few sites to try:FlockdrawDeekitAww appPixiClipWorking on these sites, and perhaps benefiting from drawing tutorials by an established illustrator, makes having a go at these easy drawing pages worth your time.The top names in pencil manufacturers also make quality coloured pencils Source: Pixabay Credit: HolihoSeven different brush heads permit painting anything from the finest of lines and expressive faces to realistically texturing clouds. Absolute beginners would be best served by purchasing a full complement of brushes, ones that come in a packaged set, rather than individual implements. At least until they have decided whether they prefer rendering portraits in oil, as opposed to still lifes in acrylic.For artists ready to graduate from coloured pencils to paint, there is a variety of media to choose from Source: Pixabay Credit: BodobePaint Brushes Need CanvasAs long as you have settled on paint as your medium, you should consider what you will paint on.How should you choose your canvas? And how much will it cost?Any artistic endeavour requires investment: of time, of passion, and, of course, of money. Depend ing on the type and size of canvas you select, your cost can vary significantly.Types of canvas include linen, cotton and synthetic cloth. If you are particularly adept at portrait drawing, you may even invest in what is called portrait canvas: fine-woven linen.Synthetic canvas is relatively new on the art scene. In spite of traditionalists mistrusting this untested material, it is a cost-effective solution to more expensive weaves. Regardless of type and quality of your canvas material, size plays a big part in pricing your art canvases. Canvases are sized in two formats: landscape and portrait. Under each header exists assorted dimensions, ranging from just a few inches square to wall-sized tableaux. If you would like to draw a cat playing with yarn, a suitably-sized canvas will cost substantially less than should you want to depict a realistic drawing of a battle.The Cost of Framing a Portrait...or anything else you draw. After all of your investment in drawing materials and art lessons; learning how to use negative space to highlight your subject... guess what? Unless your medium is online drawing, you should invest in a quality frame to display your work.And, why not? Doesn't your particular brand of realism deserve display?It should come as no surprise that, the larger the frame needed, the more expensive it will be.You can trim your cost by selecting a metal frame â€" suitable if your art follows the style of contemporary artists; or a less ornate wooden frame. In either case, you should opt for an intermediary between the frame and your two point perspective: either a marie-louise or a passe partout. These are a type of mounting that subtly  highlight your painting and help protect it.For oils, it places a barrier between frame and canvas; for oil pastels or mixed media, it keeps  your work off your frame's glass cover. You might know that professional framers, artists onto themselves, are notoriously close-mouthed about the price of framing artwork. H owever, most offer free quotes: take them up on that! Request several, and then choose the best price. Now, you have a general idea of what it take to pursue art as a vocation, or just as a pastime.Unless you are unusually gifted in the field, it will most likely be of no use to watch art videos. Why not take online drawing lessons? Or sign up for an art instruction class at your local community centre? With Superprof you can find drawing courses London, art classes in Bristol or Sketching lessons in Glasgow. The world is your oyster!You can learn shading techniques, how to add texture to your portrait painting; everything from crosshatching to caricature. Once you have masted the basics, you can move on to more complex, exacting work: drawing the human form, accurately draw hands, and even toss out a Chibi Totoro! Surely, you don't need anyone to tell you what to draw...