Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Change Your Life to Make Love Last!

How to Change Your Life to Make Love Last!When I was single and thinking about starting a family, I read a book called, 'No Chemistry in Marriage'. I was pleased with it as the author had an interesting point of view and I really liked that he talked about how marriage and relationship cannot be the same.He explained that as we age we change. As we get older, we are more emotional, we have less emotional intelligence, our lives become a little less adventurous and we become more dependent on our partners.The dynamics of a relationship has changed. He said that couples with more love than respect will most likely end up hurting each other. They are now just contented with each other but they never love each other enough to go out and make a commitment.In my opinion this is the only time that a couple would want to go out to meet new people and a good example of this is how couples get married. They could always have fun, get some new experiences and live with each other but they decid e to spend their life together because of that idea of love.They never understood that co-dependent people become more dependent in love. Then they commit to marriage because it will keep them connected emotionally and they want to continue to feel the same.They just become desperate for happiness in their relationship and forget about what made them come together. So in the end, they make the relationship even more pathetic.When you read 'No Chemistry in Marriage' you will get a better perspective on relationships. You should also start talking with your partner about what is making them feel safe and secure and they will realize that you are the one who is there for them.

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